Gender Affirming Therapy and Eating Disorders

Finding body acceptance can be complicated when we live in a world that treats some bodies with more respect than others. The truth is, it’s hard to feel safe in a world where your rights and identity are under attack. Sometimes an eating disorder can feel like something that provides a sense of control and safety. But it can also be harmful. Maybe you’ve lost your sense of self. Are there parts of your identity that you want to reclaim?

Eating disorder therapy can help you find a path of healing that works for you.

What is body liberation?

Body liberation is a movement that aims to dismantle the systems that designate certain bodies as more worthy than others. It points out how systemic issues such as racism, sexism, and transphobia can impact your body image.  Body liberation allows space to have complicated feelings while working on healing your relationship with your body. It can be hard to find body acceptance when you’re constantly getting messages that you’re not good enough. Body liberation can help you work towards neutral feelings and maybe even some compassion towards your body. It’s okay to long for the body you used to have, or want to have, while taking care of the body you’re in now.

Gender can be a journey and a destination

Trans-Centered Care

Gender can shift and change throughout life. Identities are not fixed, yet there is this pressure from society to justify your existence. These narratives are rigid, binary and rooted in cis-sexism. Everyone’s journey is different and that is something to be celebrated.  When your gender identity is based on how your body looks, it might feel like you are at war with yourself, especially if you are struggling with an eating disorder. Your gender identity is not defined by your body size and your body size doesn’t make you any more or less queer/trans. So what does healing look like? For some folks, it’s finding gender expression that feels good and affirming. For others, it’s looking into gender affirming surgery. When it comes to body image, it can be strengthening your core identity to help it be more independent of body size.

Gender Affirming Surgery Letters

Every person should have access to gender affirming care. I offer gender letters to those seeking surgery. I work from an informed- consent model and write letters according to WPATH Standards of Care. Gender letters only require one session, maybe two, and I do my best to reduce gate-keeping to gender affirming care. Gender letter sessions can be done over telehealth for anyone residing in PA, or in person in Philadelphia.